About MoGo

MoGo is led by its founding Executive Director, Geneviéve Jones-Wright, whose lifelong commitment to securing racial equality, social justice, and equity across systems drives the organization’s mission.

As an impact litigation organization, MoGo brings lawsuits intended to affect societal change. Such litigation is called “impact litigation” and has been widely and successfully used to influence public policy. MoGo’s legal services are free and accessible to the community.

Everyday at MoGo, we work to make our society better by eliminating barriers to full inclusion of every member of our society due to racism and discrimination based on social status, among other societal ills.

We are committed to the principle that an effective government is one where transparency, accountability, and a strong sense of responsibility to all its constituents are paramount. It’s our belief that our government truly functions at its best when it ensures complete accessibility for all individuals.

Our first name is “Community” by design. Everything we do is community-centered and community-driven.

Our Mission

Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance (MoGo) promotes good governance. MoGo is committed to engaging in litigation and various forms of advocacy that will make government more just and fully accountable to all people, particularly those who have been marginalized from society.

What is an Impact Litigation Organization?

A impact litigation organization brings lawsuits intended to effect societal change. Such litigation is called “impact litigation,” and has been widely and successfully used to influence public policy.

How We Can Help You

Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance engages in litigation and advocacy that improves government policy, accountability, and transparency.

If you suspect local government representatives are behaving unethically or violating your rights, our team can connect you to community resources as we investigate whether your case represents an opportunity for impact litigation.

How You Can Help Us

Support good governance by making a donation to MoGo.

Meet Our Executive Director and Founder

Geneviéve Jones-Wright, Esq., LL.M.
Geneviéve Jones-Wright, Esq., LL.M.Executive Director
Sebastian Martinez
Sebastian MartinezDeputy Executive Director

Board of Directors

Douglas Oden
Douglas OdenPresident
Scott Dreher
Scott DreherSecretary
Jasmin Harris
Jasmin HarrisTreasurer
Megan Welsh Carroll, PhD, MSW
Megan Welsh Carroll, PhD, MSWBoard Member At Large